Friday, March 4, 2011

Good things.

Sometimes the right things and the hardest things are the same.

Hello. I'm back. LOL k i don't know why i have this sudden urge to blog like i always do after maybe, like, half a year of rest from the keyboard. To think i almost forgot my login id. :/ 

I don't feel like saying much though, just miss the feeling of typing w/o thinking. Using my laptop now *hehehe* and feel so snuggled up. I'm wrapping myself up in marshy soft blankets and pillows that kinda act as a cuddling barricade and both my air-con and fan is on so it's freezing even with blankets over. It's just the way i like it.
I have only my head poking out of my cocoon and music playing in the background. Ahhhh if only my darlin' is beside me now hahahahahahahhahahaha ;) 

I like life now, without having to get stressed up about work or studies. Just living life as it comes is so relaxing. Couldn't hit the pause button though. *Sigh* 

I'm really glad i've chosen to take the poly route 'cos i know that i wouldn't be able to do well in math in JC (which is a compulsory subj, i know right, what?!?!) K I'm waiting for school to start now and i'm spending my money like i have a regular income. I know i shouldn't do this but i'm so stressed up because of work i totally deserves a let-off. *self consolation* 

To be honest i'm actually anticipating poly life hahaha. I'm starting to get a little interested in the course i'm posted to. Hospitality and Tourism in TP. :O 
It isn't my N88 but still, MOE can't make everyone happy. 

Hope that i would do well in it! Have to make my boyf and sisters proud :) And i have to prove my dad wrong! I've chosen this route so i should excel in it. 

Wait and see people. 

Hahahahah k i'm gonna go off to my books already. G'night people :)

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